

from brand launch to major market share



Product launch, brand guidelines, logo design, website, advertising, media planning/placement, SEO, event marketing, PR, packaging, online training, video, photography.

The challenge

Launch a new brand and a new technology - the first TPMS sensor that comes programmed for multiple vehicle applications, even as competitors conducted a ‘whisper campaign’ aimed at making the market believe the technology could not work on a practical basis.

The marketing solution

To combat the negative rumors and give the new brand a strong start, B+S produced a launch event at the Continental research and development center in Auburn Hills, MI. With the media and key customers in attendance, Continental personnel demonstrated that a single REDI-Sensor did in fact work in GM, Ford, and Chrysler vehicles. The concept was undeniably proven, and the subsequent media coverage helped REDI-Sensor to become a leader in the TPMS category and one of the most successful Continental product lines in the automotive aftermarket.

REDI-Sensor launch event

Media and customer event that demonstrated proof of concept in front of a live audience.


Multi-media advertising

Reaching distribution and end user audiences with online, search, print, and .email campaigns

The most successful product launch we’ve ever done!


Website / SEO

An ongoing effort to keep at the top of searches by professional and consumers.

Pageviews to website a month
Organic YouTube video views

Brand Guidelines / Design Manual

Comprehensive guide for brand use and communications design for marketing managers worldwide.

Online Cataloging

Integrated ACES / PIES application lookup for REDI-Sensor available products.

Photo and Video Shoot for Brand Assets